How to Block a Buyer on eBay? Follow the Easy Ways

How to Block a Buyer on eBay Follow the Easy Ways

Sometimes dealing with someone isn’t worth it, particularly if they are a toxic client. Learning how to block a buyer on eBay is crucial because interacting with such a customer can eventually get to you.

In general, you are supposed to go to the block bidders page, enter the buyer’s username, and submit your blocked buyers. Continue reading.

How to Block a Buyer on eBay?

You will require the buyer’s eBay user ID or email address once you’ve made the decision to block a particular buyer. Once you have the buyer’s information, just follow these simple instructions.

Go to the Block Bidders Page

Enter your merchant account and then select “Block bidders or buyers from your listings” from the menu.

If you don’t remember the link, you can search “Block buyer” under “Help & Contact” at the top of any eBay page. Your destination page will also be reached by clicking the first link that pops up.

Enter the Buyer’s Username

Enter the user ID or email of any buyer you want to exclude from your listings in the text box. Make sure to comma-separate each entry if you’re adding more than one.

eBay allows merchants to add up to 5,000 users to this blocklist. Nevertheless, let’s hope that it never gets that bad!

It’s also worth noting that the ‘Restore list’ button above the text box allows sellers to view or restore past versions of your blocked buyers list.

Submit Your Blocked Buyers

Make sure to click “submit” once you’ve finished pasting usernames in to save the list after you’re done.

If all the usernames you entered are valid, you’ll see a message like this:

If any of the usernames or emails are invalid, eBay will let you know with a message like this:

Even if the page is refreshed or returned to later, the name of the buyer you blocked will always be present in the text box on the block bidders page. Simply cross out the buyer’s name from this list to unblock them, then click “Submit” once more to save your changes.

An Optional Step: Blocking Messages

Blocked users are still allowed to message you about a listing. If you decide to change this, you can do so on the buyer requirements page of your eBay account. This page is accessible from your account’s “Site Preferences” tab.

You’re good to go once you check the “Don’t allow blocked buyers to contact me” box.

Blocked buyers will no longer see the ‘Contact seller’ button on your listings.

One caveat to this is that blocked users will still be able to reach out regarding any past transactions they’ve had with you.

How to Block a Buyer on eBay? Follow the Easy Ways
How to Block a Buyer on eBay? Follow the Easy Ways

How to Unblock a Buyer?

It is possible to unintentionally block buyers. You may occasionally unblock eBay buyers who you shouldn’t have in the first place.

Using your account settings, you can quickly remove accounts from your blocked list if this occurs.

Here’s how to remove an eBay user buyer from your blocked list.

1 – Go to the Help & Contact section of the eBay store.

2 – Search for block buyer and click the Block a buyer button.

3 – Delete the usernames you want to remove from your block list.

4 – Click Submit to save your changes.

You can always check your list again to make sure you didn’t block any erroneous eBay buyer accounts.

When to Block Buyers on eBay

Not every blocked buyer is a bad one. Identifying which eBay account meets the requirements of a genuine buyer is crucial for eBay sellers like you.

To avoid blocking the incorrect eBay buyers, the best way to tell them apart is to visit the eBay Buyer Management page and enter specific criteria.

You can specify which buyers can place orders and which buyers cannot by editing your buyer requirements page and checking the appropriate boxes.

A buyer on eBay may be blocked. Of course! Should you constantly add a buyer to your blocked list? The response is based on a number of variables.

The following advice will help you spot suspect accounts among numerous buyers.

Blocking Habitual Non-payers as Part of Your Buyer Requirements

To assess which users belong in the blocked buyer list, set eBay buyer requirements like “a regular non-paying eBay buyer.” You can create a more targeted audience by including such information on your buyer requirements page.

Go to the “Block buyers who caused line and choose how many cancellations on past transactions are acceptable for buyers for eBay to consider them still legit.

If your number is too low, you risk inadvertently adding a user’s account to your list of blocked buyers. Remember that some buyers have valid reasons for canceling certain eBay transactions.

Protecting Your Shipping Locations

To avoid international shipping, you can prevent a buyer from another country by excluding shipping locations. It’s possible to have an eBay transaction that you would find difficult to complete on the blocked buyer list in addition to a user ID that doesn’t pay.

To block a buyer from a location, click the box next to the “Block customers whose main delivery address is a place where I don’t post.”

You will also need to block customer accounts from hard-to-reach regions if your marketing is too effective.

You can block a user from a particular location, enabling you to adhere to your shipping preferences, if you’re in the United States and have no way of shipping to Asia.

Block Specific Users Who Are Bulk Ordering

Even though prospective customers who place multiple orders are great for business for any eBay seller, they can also be dangerous. Some sellers prefer blocking buyer accounts containing too much volume rather than dealing with the risk.

Here are some advantages of blocking bidders who place large orders.

  • Dealing with significant last-minute orders can be avoided.
  • Should the buyer turn out to be a con artist, you save yourself a fortune.

Recall that a sale is only confirmed once the money is on its way to your bank account or PayPal account.

  • On eBay, you have more room for a new buyer who might end up buying from you again.
  • By anticipating cancellations, you avoid the hassle of doing so.
  • You don’t need to deal with alleged big-time purchasers who simply placed the incorrect order.
  • You don’t need to deal with a bulk eBay buyer who might be from a region you don’t ship to.

Buyer accounts that have placed a certain number of orders in the previous ten days can be blocked. You could, for instance, forbid bidders from purchasing more than a certain number of items within a ten-day period.

How to Block a Buyer on eBay? Follow the Easy Ways
How to Block a Buyer on eBay? Follow the Easy Ways

How to Cancel An Unwanted eBay Bid?

Always pay attention to who is placing bids on your items. To do this, click on the eBay member’s username to check their feedback. To cancel the buyer’s bid, first make a note of the item number on your listing and the bidder’s username. Then, head over to the Cancel buyer’s bid page.

  1. To cancel an unwanted big, enter the item numberinto the first box then enter the bidder’s username into the second box.
  2. Select a reason for the cancellationand click Submit. If the bidder tries to buy again, you might want to prevent that.

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Can You Block a Buyer on eBay?

You can add a buyer to your list of Blocked buyers if you had a problem with them and didn’t want them to make any more purchases. Once they are included, they are unable to make offers or purchase your goods until you take them off the list.

How to Cancel Someone’s Bid on eBay?

Open a new tab and navigate to the section titled Canceling bids placed on your listing. Go to the bottom of the bid history chart and choose the “cancel bids” icon.

The information form must be filled out with the item number, the username of the bidders whose bids you wish to cancel, and the justification for your request.

Select Submit.

What Happens When I Block a Buyer on eBay?

A buyer on eBay who has been blocked cannot make a purchase from you or place a bid. Until they try to purchase your items, they can still view your eBay listings without being aware of the block. Until you block messages on eBay as well, you continue to receive messages from them (if any).

How to Block eBay Buyers by Location?

By using the Buyer Requirement page, you can block a buyer on eBay based on their location. Then click Submit after selecting the location from the list you don’t want to ship to.

The Bottom Line

I hope my guide has helped you learn how to block toxic and abusive users. Never hesitate to block these buyers because they aren’t worth the trouble.

Please post a question in the comments if you have any. For reading, I’m grateful.

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