Moms On Call Reviews & Thoughts & Myths

Moms On Call Reviews & Thoughts & Myths

What do you think of Moms on Call? What are the Moms on Call reviews?

Moms on Call is a really useful book that provides you with a ton of suggestions, recommendations, and a schedule to assist with sleep-training your child. Anyone expecting a baby or who already has one should definitely read this book! 

I’ll give you more specific information about moms on call reviews.

Moms On Call Good Reviews

The Moms on Call book did a great job of stressing bedtime routines and putting your baby to sleep while still awake. Baby bedtime rituals serve as a cue for sleep, but they have also been shown to lessen sleep disorders like night wakings. The only thing that worries me is that the suggested bedtime routine is very prescriptive and tells parents exactly what steps to take. In my opinion, it’s important to have a consistent bedtime routine that happens every night, but the specifics of the routine can depend on the needs of each family.

Putting your baby to sleep while still awake but drowsy is crucial for teaching them how to fall asleep on their own. A baby will learn to self-soothe back to sleep when changing between sleep cycles if they can do this when put down at the start of a nap or at bedtime.

The authors of Moms on Call are strong advocates of swaddling, which is unquestionably a good thing. Swaddling newborns has been proven to be effective, and it is particularly helpful up to about 3 to 4 months when the Moro Reflex (startle reflex) is still present. To promote their particular swaddle, they do appear to be partially in favor of swaddling. Give parents the option to make their own, at the very least.

Moms On Call Bad Good Reviews

The authors advise infants to sleep in a crib in their own room. While the AAP recommends that babies spend the first six months of their lives sleeping in their parent’s rooms, parents are always free to choose where their babies sleep. The authors of Moms on Call are therefore not following the most recent guidelines for the prevention of SIDS, which is a problem.

The book provides schedules for feeding and sleeping for infants at various ages between 0 and 6 months (for example, 2-4 weeks, 4-8 weeks, 8-16 weeks and 4 -6 months). In the first few months of life, I thought the recommended amount of sleep and strict schedule seemed a little bit excessive. Parents may worry if their baby doesn’t fit into the Moms on Call routine because the first few months of a baby’s life, their sleep patterns are very irregular and this wasn’t taken into consideration.

The book gave tips on how to establish what it considered to be a good feeding and sleeping schedule, but it didn’t go into great detail about how babies sleep, when their circadian rhythms develop, or how to solve any potential sleep issues that might arise (like night wakings or early risings). For new parents to successfully navigate the road to successful sleep, this knowledge is crucial.

Moms On Call Reviews & Thoughts & Myths
Moms On Call Reviews & Thoughts & Myths

Customer Reviews

The Babywise Of The Millenial Generation

I never write reviews, but this book was so terrible that I felt I had to. I would have preferred to give a one-star rating.

The Babywise of the millennial generation is this. Cry it out is not developmentally appropriate for infants until they are at least 4-6 months old, according to the majority of pediatricians and other medical professionals. According to this book, at three months old, you should place your baby in their crib and close the door from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. Their schedules are absurd, and it is insane to put a TWO WEEK OLD on a schedule. Let babies be babies.

The book is also awfully written. It appears as though several emails or Word documents were copied, pasted, and then the document was finished.


As a first-time mother, this book was very helpful in teaching me how to get ready for my daughter. The advice on getting ready for bed, taking a bath, potential hazards, etc. was interesting. The schedules, however, were never as easily followed by my baby as I’d hoped. She couldn’t start eating every three hours until much later than the book suggested. Additionally, I disagree with the CIO method (especially for the first six months), so our family was not a good fit for the suggested sleep schedules. I did implement all the sleep-promoting environmental factors (swaddling, white noise, a dark room, putting the baby to bed awake, etc.).) and they worked beautifully. As a developmental therapist, I am aware that each child’s infant and toddler development will vary and is not linear. If this approach does not exactly work as it is written for you, please do not feel like a failure. Take what works for you and your family and discard the rest. If there is any advice I can give a new mother, it would be to put the baby down awake as often as possible (possibly once a day at first, then more frequently as time goes on) so that the child can learn to fall asleep on their own and develop the ability to switch between sleep cycles on their own. Additionally, feed your baby frequently throughout the day to ensure that they get all the calories they need and don’t wake up hungry at night (this usually doesn’t happen until the baby is about 12 weeks old). Please bear in mind that every baby is unique, and your child will develop at his or her own rate.

Saved My Sanity

I was giving up hope that I would ever be able to sleep for longer than two hours continuously. We had only been parents for five weeks, and we were both worn out and frustrated. We had no sense of direction and had no idea how to restructure our lives. I asked a different mom friend how she got her boys to sleep for longer stretches, and she gave me moms on call as an answer. Prior to now, I was unaware of it, but now I will let everyone I know know about it! From 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. over the course of three nights, my 5-week-old only fussed once. It’s truly amazing how quickly things have changed for the better because now she actually takes naps without complaining. I cannot stress how excellent their schedule is.

They are very strict about some things, but overall you can take what you like and leave what you don’t, in my opinion. That’s the only criticism I have.

Best Resource And Handbook

I just needed some assistance setting up a routine as a new mother so that I could have some predictability in my own life. I now purchase this book for anyone I know who is expecting after hearing a coach highly recommend it. You can’t raise a baby with a book, my husband said about the schedules, and I responded, “Watch me!”” I credit the schedules for our son’s excellent and consistent sleeping habits, who is now almost 2.5 years old. Every week, the timing is exact and meets the baby’s needs. Schedules are essential and are beneficial for both mommy and the baby, according to our pediatrician and a sleep specialist (for me). I could go on and on, but the point is to buy this book, read it, and then do what it says, even if it seems difficult.


Moms on Call Reviews was the main topic of the article.

Moms On Call is all about helping you put your baby on a schedule. The book includes “typical days” that describe how your daily routine should be. Once more, we keep an eye on this.

Regarding your reading, I thank you.

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